
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mass Effect 2 Arrival

Before purchasing arrival I read alot of reviews that rated this a very mediocre DLC for Mass Effect 2, but since I'm a huge Mass Effect fan I still gave it go.

Arrival is all about stopping the reaper invasion. Dr. Kenson (the person we must rescue) is held captive in the bararian space and is being interrogated for presence on their territory. So automatically Shepard is nominated to be the hero because everybody knows Shepard is a bad mutha.

After the briefing of the mission Shepard heads to the planet Aratoht in search of Dr. Kenson. It isn't hard to navigate through the post, a couple buttons here, a few recording there and you finally found her. But- stroke the guards watching her and she's free, easy as making ramen noodles. Of course she's loose everyone is after us yada yada yada , she handles the controls, Shepard holds off the enemies, and we are finally out of there. That sounded a little to easy, but I knew the minute she radioed her people and said "Shepard was with her" that she was gonna' turn on me.

Back at Arcturus Station Dr. Kenson was to show me prove that the reapers were coming in two days , and that they had a plan to blow the Alpha Relay with an asteroid to stop the reapers from invading the galaxy, they called it "the project". After Shepard hears all the evidence yada yada, Kenson decides to be two-sided about the situation saying she wants to see the reapers come and it would be a good thing for her. I had the option to shoot her but since I'm trying to be a complete angel I didn't and now she ran off to neverland and I have to stop her. So we go through the shooting enemies, and obstacles just to get to the controls to launch "the project". Of course it happens and the Alpha Relay is no more. Only bad thing about it is all the batarians are blowed up with it. So should shepard receive praises or face some consequences... I guess we will see on Mass Effect 3.

This DLC was o.k. it wasn't the best there was no excitement to it, it was just a connection between 2 games. I felt Lair of the Shadowbroker was the best because hearing about this "shadowbroker" had alot of suspense. You keep thinking "who is this shadowbroker... I wanna go kick his ass just because I hear his name so much and don't know who he is". To infiltrate his lair and finally face and beat him , making liara the new shadowbroker was very intense... for me anyways. So anyone who is thinking of getting the arrival DLC don't look for a three course meal just look for an appetizer.

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