
Monday, July 19, 2010

Red Dead Redemption: Review

Red Dead Redemption has to be one of the best games of 2010. The one thing I like most about this game was the era of the wild wild west. I don't know if it is just me but I love games that have a setting in one of history's past. It gives the sense of how life was back in those times. When I mount my horse and go riding, I find myself enjoying the plains full of cactus, and wildlife while gazing upon the sunset behind the tall mountains that stand in a clear river bend.

 The graphics are spectacular in this game. When I play this game I feel like I am looking at pictures taken in a magazine. The voice acting was incredible as well. The actors/actresses really captured the accents of how people spoke back in those times.

The controls to the game were just slightly difficult when it came the dead eye mostly (holding down aim, holding down the r3 button, while pin pointing your targets, and then shooting........... whew) that is why I didn't do dead eye so much, but it was cool as heck I tell you that. *pow* *pow* *pow* sucka! Also (I might haven't known about it) but there isn't quick buttons for weapons I have to keep pressing L1 and selecting. The last thing was I couldn't figure how to keep riding the horse and shooting people around me. They say the horse can stay on the trail............ my horse didn't.

I love a good story and I feel like that is the number one thing that will get me interested in the game. This was a great tale and I feel like a book should be written for this game, maybe the events of John Marston when he was in the gang. I can express again how clever it was that Edgar Ross was using John to kill his own gang, and then setting John up for his death soon after.

I liked that there were tons of mini stuff to do in the game, like the fun games that were presented: poker (which I got so addicted too), blackjack ( I swear the dealer was cheating), five finger fillet....(I get nervous playing that game, and others along with cool movies, and side quests from strangers, and collecting nature-made items to become legend of the west.

The last thing I will mention is the multiplayer. I haven't played the multiplayer really but I read in alot of forums that gangs of people will take on like one helpless person (not playing nice) and I also heard a rant that there wasn't enough female characters or you have to work hard for them. I'm not a big multiplayer person, but I would play if I had somebody to play with just for the fun of it. Overall I give this game a 9.7 because the controls.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, my friends have been giving me heck forever now to get this game so I can join their posse!! Just too many games to catch up on.

    Why not play one game to its fullest rather than play everything in a frantic session. Slow down and enjoy I say!

    I too also blog about all kinds of gaming nonsense and make videos and continually look for other gamers opinions aswell. Like you I am husband and kid and life and work and enjoy gaming has a outlet.

    Was wondering if you wouldn't mind me posting your site has one of my links? If you like drop by Pacroid for a gander! Give us a follow if you like and I'll do the same.
